Crime Insurance | Master Builders Insurance Brokers

mbais product crime insurance

Crime Insurance

Protects your business against fraud by employees and third parties.

Cover for

Internal fraud
External fraud
Loss of money and assets

What is Crime Insurance?

Crime Insurance protects businesses of all sizes against financial loss due to the illegal activities of employees and third parties.

The amount of cover matches your risk exposure, taking into account worst-case scenarios. The excesses may be varied to reflect your ability and willingness to accept risk.

Cover can be arranged on a stand-alone basis or as a section of a Management Liability policy depending upon the size and complexity of your business and your risk profile.

Key benefits
icon tailored
Flexible limits of cover and excesses to meet the needs of your business
icon investigate claims
Covers legal and accounting costs associated with investigating a claim
icon theft cover
Protects your bottom line from unexpected events
icon finance
Covers loss of money and assets held on behalf of customers and associated costs

Why do you need this policy?

Here's an example:


A project manager, located interstate from head office, recruited additional staff to work on a significant new opportunity.

As work on the tender for the new deal had gone on for some time, management became concerned. After attempts to get answers, the project manager resigned, and it was found that the significant new opportunity did not exist nor did the additional staff.

The company’s claim is for the wages of the fictional staff it was duped into paying.

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Fraud is a challenging subject and very rarely do businesses expect it to happen or see it coming. If it did happen, are you sure you can survive the financial hit to your business?

Jessica Walsh Head of Broking

Why choose Master Builders Insurance Brokers?

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Claims examples

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Talk to your local specialist:


Brent  Cooper
Brent Cooper
Business Development Team Leader

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