Tradies Insurance | Master Builders Insurance Brokers

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Tradies Insurance

A vital part of your toolkit.

Cover for

Legal liability
Tools, materials and portable equipment
Vans and utilities


Covered trades


What is Tradies Insurance?

Whether you’re a carpenter, electrician, plumber or other tradie, we offer flexible cover to suit you and your business.

Tradies Insurance is vital for any tradie, regardless of occupation, to adequately protect you in the event of unforeseen incidents. Depending on the needs of your business, you can get cover for legal liability claims, theft of tools and equipment, motor vehicles, and more.

We have developed a comprehensive insurance package known as the Master Trades Pack to cover most trade specific occupations for Public Liability, Tools, Commercial Motor Vehicle and other property related insurances. The policy allows you to streamline your insurances under the one easy to manage policy, delivering premium savings by leveraging your insurances together.

Key benefits
icon covers trades
Covers all types of trades
icon 50m cover
Legal liability limits available up to $20M
icon one package
Consolidates necessary products into one package
icon certificates of currency
Certificates of Currency provided on request

Why choose a Master Trades Pack?

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It’s fast

Our online quoting system sends your requirements straight to one of our Account Managers.

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It’s simple

Our process is very straight forward – follow the prompts and we'll be in touch with you ASAP.

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It’s easy

Our system is user friendly and easy to navigate, just fill in your details and let us do the rest.

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It’s affordable

Our covers always come at competitive prices.

You can quote this product online right now:

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Why do you need this policy?

Here's an example:


David is a carpenter contracted to build a pergola at a residential property in Melbourne.

During the construction, David accidentally drops a cross beam onto the existing paving beneath the pergola. Unfortunately, this results in cracked pavers and the homeowners hold David responsible.

Luckily, David's Tradies insurance includes Public Liability, which covers him for damage to third party property. He was able to lodge a claim with his Insurer, have the paving fixed for the homeowner and complete the pergola contract.

Advice from our experts:

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Double check if you have cover for your tools under your Tradies Insurance. Our Tradies insurance can cover your tools, materials and portable equipment, allowing you to consolidate all your insurances under one easy to manage policy.

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Check your policy to make sure there is cover for your tools under your Tradies insurance. Tools claims are one of the most common claims we see at MBIB. Can you afford to be without your tools?

Why choose Master Builders Insurance Brokers?

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