CTP Insurance | Master Builders Insurance Brokers

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CTP Insurance

Easy, online Green Slips.

Cover for

Compulsory Third Party (NSW only)

What is a Green Slip?

It is a legal requirement for all motor vehicles registered in NSW to hold a valid and current CTP Green Slip.

Your Green Slip is an insurance policy which provides for protection to vehicle owners and drivers who are legally liable for personal injury caused to others in a motor vehicle accident.

In conjunction with QBE, you can now quote and bind Compulsory Third Party cover for your own vehicles online.

Key benefits
icon certificates of currency
Competitively priced Green Slips
icon fleet
Cover for motorcycles, trucks, private and commercial vehicles
icon zero points
Reward for good drivers who have zero demerit points
icon trailers
Trailers covered under the towing vehicle

Why QBE Insurance?


Our choice of Insurer for this facility is based on a consideration of their claims service, policy coverage, competitive premium pricing and company financial strength rating.

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