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Contract Works Insurance | Master Builders Insurance Brokers
Contract Works Insurance
Build your business on strong foundations.
Cover for
Material damage
Plant, equipment & tools
Third-party property damage
Third-party bodily injury
Cover types
One-off projects
Annual turnover
Owner Builder
Covered parties
What is Contract Works Insurance?
If you own, run or manage a construction site Contract Works Insurance (also known as Construction Works) is a vital tool for protecting your business.
Contract Works Insurance covers the construction-related activities of a construction project all packaged into one policy. It can be taken out to cover a specific project, or annually to cover several projects.
Policies can include cover for Material Damage occurring on the job site. Or can also include Public and Products Liability for third-party property damage or third-party bodily injury arising out of negligence. There is optional coverage for plant, equipment and tools if required.
Contract Works Insurance also features coverage for the following items which can be additional contractual requirements under a construction contract such as:
- professional fees
- debris removal
- defects liability period
- principal supplied materials
- inland transit
- off-site storage
- escalation/variations cost
- search and locate costs
Display Homes
Your Contract Works Insurance does not automatically cover your Display Homes. It is possible to extend your existing policy to cover your display homes and their contents against theft, damage or liability.
Contact your Master Builders Insurance Broker today to discuss your options.
Additional benefits of our Contract Works policy:
Why do you need our broader coverage?
Here's an example:
Post construction and defects liability period, a homeowner contacts the builder to advise of water damage being visible, with water marks appearing on ceiling plaster, below an upstairs bathroom.
Through a waterproofing failure, an entire shower area, subfloor, plastering, painting and insulation had to be replaced costing the builder over $40k.
Many contract works & liability policies completely exclude the cost of repairing future damage caused by defects in construction.
Coverage is available, which excludes the cost of the defect (ie the waterproofing) but covers the damage which has occurred as a result of the defect.
Advice from our experts:
Why choose Master Builders Insurance Brokers?

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