Car Insurance | Master Builders Insurance Brokers

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Car Insurance

Cover for your personal and business vehicles.

Cover for

Property damage
Third-party liability


Cover types

Third-party fire and theft
Third-party only

Find the right car insurance for you.

Choose from three levels of car insurance and protect your car from the unexpected.

In conjunction with CGU Insurance Ltd, we have developed our very own instant 'quote & buy' facility where you can obtain a quote and proceed with cover in just a few minutes.

Disclaimer: When you proceed with the CGU online quote & buy facility, we are not acting on your behalf as an insurance broker normally would. We are acting as an agent of the Insurer. Should you prefer to utilise the full services of an insurance broker, please contact our office directly.

Key benefits
icon 50m cover
$30 million liability cover
icon vehicle damage
No claim bonus with Comprehensive Insurance
icon 21 days
21-day cooling-off period with a full refund of your premium
icon checklist
Guaranteed workmanship of authorised repairs

Why CGU?


Our choice of Insurer for this facility is based on a consideration of their claims service, policy coverage, competitive premium pricing and company financial strength rating.

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Why should you choose our preferred insurer?

Here's an example:


On her way home from work, Monica has an accident involving another vehicle, which was her fault.

While the other vehicle only sustained minor damage in the collision, her car had some severe damage. Monica called her insurance broker who took the details of the accident, and they contacted her Insurer directly to lodge the claim and arrange a tow to the repairer.

Her vehicle underwent an assessment and approved for repairs by her Insurer. While her car was off the road, Monica had access to a hire car as her policy had a hire car inclusion.

Monica's vehicle gets repaired by her smash repairer of choice, and her Insurer also paid for the minor repairs to the third-party vehicle as she was at fault.

Advice from our experts:

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Is your vehicle covered for Market Value or Agreed Value? Knowing what you would get for your vehicle in the event of a total loss is important. Market Value represents the market value of the car at the time of a claim. In contrast, Agreed value is a fixed value agreed by both you and the insurer.

Jessica Walsh Head of Broking

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